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One easy checkout across all OCF brands
We're getting a new name!

We're getting a new name!

Each year since lockdown it has been a bit weird to be talking about a "Christmas Fair" as we highlight our fabulous member brands during the summer months.

Sooooo, this Summer we are rebranding - it's really just a change of name, everything else about us will stay the same:

  • Promoting small brands
  • Showcasing fabulously unique and individual products
  • Supporting our brands with training on increasing their online presence using social media and digital marketing techniques

Our new name will be Brandemonium UK!  We love our new name for two reasons

  1. Because the collective noun for parrots (and I'm Polly!) is Pandemonium, and
  2. Because we are a noisy, energetic and slightly chaotic group of small business owners!

We hope you like our new name and will continue to follow us through 2024.

Polly x


PS I'm not sure if this is the final logo - but needed to pop a picture on this blog.  Let me know what you think!

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